At PCF Sparkletots, we offer a full array of preschool services to meet the varied needs of today’s families.
With a click of a button, we have just the right service for you!
Early Years (EY)
Caters for infants/children from 2 months to below 5 years old.
Operates from 7am to 7pm (full day) from Monday to Friday, and 7am to 2pm on Saturday.
(Selected preschools operate from Monday to Friday.)
Allowed to close for up to 8 days in a calendar year, inclusive of 3 half-days on the eves of stipulated public holidays.
Childcare (CC)
Caters for children from 18 months to below 7 years old
Operates from 7am to 7pm (full day) from Monday to Friday, and 7am to 2pm on Saturday.
(Selected preschools operate from Monday to Friday.)
Allowed to close for up to 8 days in a calendar year, inclusive of 3 half-days on the eves of stipulated public holidays.
Dual Service (DS)
Full Day Child Care – Caters for children from 18 months to below 7 years old (selected centres also offer programme for infants from 2 months to below 18 months).
Combination of a focused education programme complemented by quality care for children such as meals, naptime etc.
Kindergarten – Caters for children from 4 to below 7 years old; each session lasts for 3 to 4 hours.
Offers a focused education programme from Monday to Friday.
Kindergarten (KN)
Caters for children from 4 to below 7 years old.
Offers a focused education programme from Monday to Friday.
Each session lasts for 1.5 to 4 hours, depending on the age group.