At PCF Sparkletots, we offer a full array of preschool services to meet the varied needs of today’s families.
With a click of a button, we have just the right service for you!
Early Years (EY)
Caters for infants/children from 2 months to below 5 years old.
Operates from 7am to 7pm (full day) from Monday to Friday.
Allowed to close for up to 8 days in a calendar year.
Childcare (CC)
Caters for children from 18 months to below 7 years old.
Operates from 7am to 7pm (full day) from Monday to Friday.
Closes for 8 days in a year. These include Teachers’ Day, Children’s Day and 6 staff development days.
Dual Service (DS)
Full-Day Child Care – Caters for children from 18 months to below 7 years old (selected centres also offer programmes for infants from 2 months to below 18 months old).
Combination of a focused education programme complemented by quality care for children such as meals, naptime etc.
Kindergarten – Caters for children from 4 to below 7 years old; each session lasts for 3 to 4 hours.
Offers a focused education programme from Monday to Friday.
Kindergarten (KN)
Caters for children from 4 to below 7 years old (selected centres also offer programmes for children from 18 months to below 3 years old).
Offers a focused education programme from Monday to Friday.
Each session lasts for 1.5 to 4 hours, depending on the age group.